The presidency office is composed of the President and the Vice-President. Both are elected at the yearly general assembly, where all postdocs from the Umeå campus can vote.
The presidency office is keeping track of all the main activities within the society. This involves making sure, that long-term goals are achieved, that the organization functions as a whole and fosters good communication and exchange between the different offices, members, and the Advisory Board. President and Vice-president are responsible for preparing the agenda and hosting the Chair meetings. In addition, they represent the Umeå Postdoc Society at official events and external boards.
Office bearers

I grew up in Kolkata (‘City of Joy’), West Bengal, India. After my bachelor’s in biotechnology from West Bengal University of Technology, I did my PhD in microalgal biotechnology and metabolomics from CSIR-Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute (India). I then moved to Umeå in Feb 2021 for my first Post-Doc to work on wood cell wall chemistry at Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC). We are using different chromatographic techniques to understand the changes in wood cell walls with special reference to cuticle and suberin. Apart from research, I enjoy reading, hiking, travelling, photography, listening to music and various podcasts, and discussing many things (based on my mood though). I am an introvert who talks a lot (sometimes). I joined UPS to connect with fellow researchers from different fields; and also to help and support my co-peers.
